MORIMURA BROS., INC. have been developing its business based on the corporate philosophy of the “Creed of Our Company”, which states foreign trade as a means to maintain world peace and develop the next generation.
Placing this corporate philosophy at the core of the company, we have established Human Rights Policy (hereafter the "Policy") and implement initiatives to respect human rights, thereby developing a corporate culture of respecting human rights, and implement business activities accordingly.
This Policy form the basis of all of the corporate activities of MORIMURA BROS., INC. and apply to all of its directors and employees. We will fulfill our duty to respect human rights by paying attention to our directors and employees, suppliers, business partners and all other stakeholders in our business activities.
We request that all of our stakeholders understand this Policy and cooperate with us in advancing initiatives towards mutual development.
We understand that in all of our corporate activities, there is the potential that we may negatively impact human rights, either directly or indirectly, or apparently or potentially. We will give the utmost consideration to not overlook the infringement of the human rights of any person related to our corporate activities, and to not abuse the human rights of any of our stakeholders.
We will engage in corporate activities by respecting internationally recognized norms, including the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
We will also strive to comply with laws and regulations in the countries and regions where we conduct corporate activities. Where the laws and regulations of a country or region where we conduct corporate activities differ from or contradict international human rights norms, we will pursue higher standards.
We will identify the negative impact of matters related to our corporate activities on human rights and work to prevent and reduce such impact in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We will also advance initiatives for respecting human rights by sharing issues related to human rights with our stakeholders through dialogues and engagement activities.
We will strive not only to prevent ourselves from engaging in activities that infringe upon human rights but also to keep all of our stakeholders, including business partners, from being involved in human rights abuses. Where it has been revealed that we have caused or contributed to activities that infringe upon human rights, we will endeavor to correct the violation by taking the appropriate steps and engaging in dialogue.
We will continually educate and train all of our directors and employees so that they will be familiar with and understand this Policy.
We will constantly monitor initiatives taken based on this Policy and take corrective actions as appropriate. We will also disclose information about the progress of the initiatives, their problematic points and improvements made to them.
(Resolution of the Board of Directors on January 29, 2024)
We as MORIMURA BROS., INC. have been developing its business based on the corporate philosophy of the “Creed of Our Company“, which states foreign trade as a means to maintain world peace and develop the next generation.
Having placed this corporate philosophy at the foundation, having defined a Corporate Standard of Conduct, and keeping in mind our own social responsibility, we are operating in line with the Corporate Standard of Conduct in order to contribute to the sustained development of society.
Moreover, we define here Sustainable Procurement Policy (the “Policy”) and aim at building a sustainable society by pursuing initiatives together with our suppliers, clients and all other stakeholders.
We fully appreciate our stakeholders’ understanding of this Policy and their cooperation in advancing initiatives towards mutual development.
(Resolution of the Board of Directors on September 26, 2022)
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